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Fading Hearts Crack Code Activation


About This Game Your choices changes the GENRE of the story!Almost EVERY NPC LIES to you at some point in the game!Live a life of adventure or a normal life! A game with true choices!An interactive story/game where you play the role of Ryou, a seemingly normal high school student in the land of Sorayama. Solve the mysteries that surround him while maintaining his friendships and saving Claire. Remain ignorant of the secrets and live a normal life or choose to learn the truth. Be careful where you put your priorities for it may prove fatal. Multiple end-game climaxes and endings! What will be the final conflict? Take control of your story or be swept away by it unlike ever before! True choices! (Defined as choosing your own goal!)Daily Life Sim! Player-Led Game/Story Genre Shifting! Everyday choose what YOU want to do. Fight monsters in the forest on Monday. Hang out with friends on Tuesday. The player gets to choose!Player-Active Storytelling! NPCs tries to manipulate you, the player!This is what makes gamers like this game when they don't like Visual Novels and/or Dating Sims. Normally what you get is a storyline that you can sit back and just passively absorb. In Fading Hearts... Players can actively manipulate story mechanics once they understand how they work.Also there are many people trying to convince you to do things that may or may not be in your best interest. How do you figure out who to trust and not trust? Will you get enough information in time or would you have go with your gut feeling when it comes does down to the wire? 7aa9394dea Title: Fading HeartsGenre: Adventure, Indie, SimulationDeveloper:Sakura River InteractivePublisher:Sakura River InteractiveRelease Date: 11 Nov, 2009 Fading Hearts Crack Code Activation Hmm ... Fading Hearts is a good game, good visual novel, has a lot of interesting things. It could be better, but somehow it doesn't deliver alone. Don't misunderstand me is a good game, very entertaining, and i would recommend it. But if you are very fond of visual novel games (hardcore visual novel gamer?), maybe this game will not meet your expectations, but for the rest I think it can be a nice experience.. It starts out OK, but it seems to me like it's very incomplete, like the story just skips a few chapters, picks up again, and leaves whoever's playing the game floundering. Characters don't develop so much as they suddenly jump from spot to spot on their arc, with no progression, they're just suddenly there, and some parts(specifically anything involving receiving a text message) are just broken, and don't display at all. For all that there's supposed to be conversation trees, there is almost no choice when it comes to actual conversations. Also, while the RPG mechanics are interesting, they're also very incomplete, as you are lacking anything to indicate level progression.RE: Developer responseThe storyline goes on with or without the player? I would have visited the characters in question every day if I had the option, but I wasn't given the option. Story arcs just plain vanish literally the next time I see the character in question. Also If you're going to have the story continue with or without the character, you really really REALLY need to reflect that in the in-game writing("What happened to him? Oh right, you weren't there. He got arrested\/shot\/broke up\/won an award for community service\/whatever"). Neither you, nor your character should know what happened off screen, so it's annoying when your character knows more about the story than you. I know it's just a game, but what kind of person can go a week without seeing a friend and not ask, "Hey, what's new with you?". The fact that you can be on multiple tracks at once, and the endings contradict each other is pretty upsetting. So if you're on a track for a good ending with one of the girls, it is entirely possible at the last minute for your girlfriend to not speak to you for 3 weeks while another ending plays out, and for her to totally forget you guys were even going out, and for the game to tell you that you are in love with someone you haven't spoken to since the intro. There are endings where you start a relationship with a girl.....who you have already been in a relationship with since March. There are endings that contradict you discovering someone's "secret identity" and tell you that you have no idea who they are. I swear, the game is great up until the endings but a VN that doesn't give you closure is like a horror game with bloom effects. Completely playable but you constantly ask yourself "why?". Difficult to recommend for anyone other than big fans of the visual novel genre, and I deliberated on whether or not this was worth recommending. Leaning for no. If you're a fan of VNs (like me), this game will be worth your time; otherwise, I would look elsewhere.The game promises you the ability to change the genre of the story, but the consequence of that is that too many different plot elements all seem to merge together into some kind of overwhelming mass, making the first playthrough very daunting. For all the directions the game can take, they don't see particularly refined. The result is a rather schizophrenic experience that can leave various threads unresolved, even with subsequent playthroughs. This game DOES improve with replays, and there are definitely elements of the story I really like (especially concerning Alex and Rina), but it requires significant investment to dig that up.The stat-raising element of the game also disrupts the pacing of the game significantly. I found that I was grinding up knowledge or stats quite a bit in anticipation of something, anything to happen. The plot takes a backseat to however you intend to break it, and it doesn't really flow. This makes replays something of a chore, and the UI isn't well suited for that.This is the first product of Sakura River and it offers a lot of potential for where they're going. I look forward to seeing more of what they produce in the future.. Actually quite good. I have played quite a few VN's and they all follow a similar pattern. This one does something different with your personal strength stat and randomization with key plot points. Which means you can play it the same way twice and end up with different endings.The Characters are better than your stereotypical "ignorant of others feelings" protagonist and the decisions you need to make are pretty tough. The only bad I noticed was that mid\/late game there were hardly any events happening and it felt like one of those repetitive dating sims. It could be that I had just unlocked a lot of events early in the game through sheer luck and ran out of them but it's worth mentioning.It can be short... but so are the other VN's available on Steam. Replayability is high and that should make up for it a little.


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