About This Game Step into a sinister world of corruption, deceit and shadowy organisations! Light casts you in the role of a man with no memory. After waking up in a strange yet familiar location it’s clear that something’s very, very wrong. Who are you? Where are you? Perhaps most of all, what happened to you? As the protagonist in Light you must use stealth and cunning to navigate around a wonderfully minimalistic-looking environment. Can you succeed in your quest and thwart a plan on a global scale? Don’t just avoid detection, use subterfuge as well. Hack computer terminals to disable security cameras, lock and unlock doors and more. Collect data, fragmented e-mails, memos and scientific reports to slowly piece together the story of Light.Light combines unique game mechanics, atmospheric visuals and a gripping narrative to breathe new life into a much loved genre. Combat is your last option and technology your first, can you evade capture and solve the mystery? Do you have what it takes to step out of the shadows and into the Light?Challenging Single Player - Light features a challenging single player story as you work through over ten levels attempting to evade capture, hack computers and steal classified documents. Infiltrate research labs, escape prisons, outwit security officers inside shopping malls and break into heavily guarded server farms!Replay levels to increase your score and rating. Immersive Stealth Mechanics - Use your surroundings to evade capture in this minimalist-looking action-stealth game. Use your sight to locate the whereabouts of would be pursuers and deftly avoid detection. Make the system work for you, as you hack your way through levels. Can’t avoid a security camera? Simply hack it! Stash unconscious guards in cupboards or simply overwrite electronic locking systems to ensure other guards can’t enter rooms. See everyone and everything’s line of sight. View every footstep and blend in with the crowd by donning disguises and mingling with non-threatening civilians and office workers that litter each and every level. Involved storyline to be uncovered by the player - start the game with a blank canvas. It’s up to you to discover not only who you are, but what is happening too. Even as you slowly piece together the story and events leading up to where the game starts you’ll soon realise you not only have to work out what is happening but find a way to stop it.Enjoy the story in fragmented snippets that require you to knit them all together. Deploy stealth, hack computers and steal documents to uncover the truth about project Light! 7aa9394dea Title: LightGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Just A Pixel Ltd.Publisher:Team17 Digital LtdRelease Date: 14 Jul, 2014 Light Keygen Razor1911 Download Very quick to play.It's not a pure stealth game either. The enemies don't move in wholly predictable patterns, they have a degree of randomness that makes the game more of a adventurous that you normally want from a stealth game.Stealth games normally let you plan things out, and let you duplicate your route if you die. This game prevents that sort of careful planning. Instead you're flying by the seat of your pants.Fun, but I wish some small issues would get touched up.. A short, fast-paced game about horrific human experiments.While the narrative is short and compact, it is enough to keep you invested and few enough to not derail into a reading marathon in the middle of an enemy infested area.The ending was at first surprising, but it makes a lot of sense based on the documents found and the state of the world the game is set in.The only negative point is that the guards aren't always following the exact same routes. It can get frustrating to plan your entire route, only to get found because this one time, the guard turns to the left instead of the right at the end. Then again, it is probably more realistic that humans aren't something that can be perfectly calculated with.. This game will last you less than an hour. That wouldn't be a problem if the experience packed into that hour was socks-rockingly great. But it's not - it's aggressively mediocre in all aspects but soundtrack.The story is eye-rollingly unconvincing in the same way that kid at school whose dad totally worked for Nintendo was unconvincing. Worse, it's told clumsily (e.g. confidential project journal entries printed out and scattered in the company's lobby, to name one of the less stupid moments). The gameplay looks interesting, but in the absence of level design to hold it together ultimately boils down to "run around, tap at yellow things, avoid red things". The guard AI is dull and seems to have been rostered from extremely nearsighted personnel who all forgot to bring their contact lenses to work. The "hacking" looked cool in the trailer but does not actually lead to any interesting possibilities, instead acting as a red-key-blue-key-green-key series of hotspots.The soundtrack is pretty good, though.. Updated review: I came back to see if I could change my recommendation to a buy but according to the forums all of the problems I had with the game(Level design and length of play- 45 mins) are still present. It's too bad. Still, I won't hesitate to buy the next game from this studio. They have tons of talent and now have very clear feedback on what they need to focus on next time. Seems like a guaranteed hit. Good luck! OLD REVIEW BELOWWow, great game! Why then am I saying don't buy it? Because it's an hour long. It's also not really challenging at all. I failed 3 levels and the rest I passed on my first try. What we have here are a team of great artist, composer, programer and project manager but completely lacking a dedicated or talented level designer(sorry to offend this person). The game just isn't long enough or challenging and without a massive community of mod makers this game is theft at $9. If you can get it for $5, go for it. I will definitely buy the inevitable multiplayer sequel.. Why don't I recommend this game? Simply because it just feels too short.In terms of visuals, gameplay mechanics, etc, The game is fantastic as I like stealth games. It doesn't really look like anything else in my opinion. If the game had 2 maybe 3 times more levels, I'd definitely recommend it.. I love stealth games overall. Love hiding almost forever and waiting for right moment.Light has interesting and simple visuals, i am ok with it, there is a lot space left for players imagination and i like imaginate :).Light has very nice alectronic ambient soundtrack, i like it.Also Light is very short (no more 2-3 hours if you try to be really stealth and if you do not kill anyone, it is really hard in this case), but i am ok with it too.Light has very nice and interesting story.But stealth in Light, which is primarily stealth game, was a huge dissapointment for me. You can change your suit (aka disguise) for suit of killed civilian or guard. But no matter if you do or not, guards and cameras allways detect you as enemy.You can kill and hide everyone in cabinets, toilets etc., but every time you kill someone a message "reinforcements arrive in 2:00 minutes" will pop up, no matter if you kill someone in crowded room or in a lonely place.You can't go "under" cameras and stay undetected while staying in place, which is one of basic stealth mechanics.Guards are able see you (even walk!) through opened door if you hide behind them.This is how stealth really should not be done, imho. Someone wrote "nice idea, terrible execution" and unfortunately i must absolutely agree. Moreover there are a lot of games which primarily are not stealth, but they are much more enjoyable in stealth than this "stealth" game.More than complete game it seems to me like just proof of concept ... but this concept is very very unfinished in this case :(.Conclusion:Overall dissapointed, moreover because this is my first "not reccomending" review on Steam. Moreover because i am huge fan of stelath mechanics and stealth games.. At best a prototype of a game that might work at some point in the future. Definitely can't recommend buying it.
Light Keygen Razor1911 Download