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Playing History: Vikings Download] [serial Number]


About This Game Playing History is a whole new (fun and engaging) way to learn historyTarget audience: 8-14 years old.Navigating Erik in his journey from cradle, youth and eventual grave; you experience his journey towards becoming a true Viking within an interactive environment. It is times of change as the old beliefs are challenged by a new God and trade routes mean contact with people from strange lands. The game focuses on civilized trading as well as the faith and brutality of the viking era; a time when Christianity arrived in the North and became the dominant faith. You cannot change history, but you can make a difference by becoming chieftain; Will you take your rightful place - or will you fade into the abyss of history? Game play'Playing History: Vikings' is a casual learning adventure game where the narrative unfolds as you make decisions, complete quests, master fighting and get the good trade deals. Navigating Erik you will have to:Make the right decisions and talk to the right people. Fight off enemies trying to take over your land. Collect secret coins for extra loot. Collect gold by spotting historical anachronisms.Also you may acquire the favor of the gods to help you and Erik’s journey Playing History‘Vikings’ is the newest chapter of the Playing History educational game series. The previous two titles in the 'Playing History-Series' have been rewarded with several awards. With 'Playing History: Vikings' we have kicked it up several notches by providing a fully realized 3D world for you to interact with, a deeper and more engaging game experience as well as more ambitious mini-games. 7aa9394dea Title: Playing History: VikingsGenre: Adventure, Indie, RPGDeveloper:Serious Games InteractivePublisher:Serious Games InteractiveRelease Date: 1 Jul, 2015 Playing History: Vikings Download] [serial Number] playing history 3 vikings. playing history vikings Yes, this game is fun to play, I enjoyed it, but didn't learn much. I only learned 4 or 5 facts I didn't know before and I only remembered 2 or 3 because these were interesting. Some facts I feel were left out thoughWhy thumbs down? It's way too short! 2 hours with running up and down the stairs twice to get something! I do think there are maybe two other endings which I did not play yet, but still, I expected more.About the gameplay: the gameplay is only with your mouse and you can play it with just one hand. And the fighting systemisn't really challenging or interesting.It was a fun game to play, just short and unchallenging.. Old school point-and-click gameplay. It's a bit on the short-side and rough around the edges but there's a bit of replayability. I like the graphical style and learned a few things. Worth noting the target audience age group - don't expect Skyrim, but a cute little game. I approve!. Dont like it at all,you cant even use settings,or to pause or something smmilar. No Settings,no screen rotation basicly you are stuck ih you want to back and you need to click everytime you want to move no like hold to move freature.. You know, I love point and click games. I've been playing thousands of them, I think my Kongregate account is like level 65 right now.This game unfortunately has lots of negative issues, starting from the 3\u20ac price which is definitely too much.There are no settings at all, and moving (ok, I admit that I love point and click adventures in which everything's in 2D or over pre-rendered backgrounds but I also enjoy exploration games) is quite difficult; camera angles are terrible and if they wanted to make a full 3D game, to me, they failed. No settings means literally no options, no settings, no pause.The "historical" thing to me isn't that important. First and foremost 'cos having two degrees in history, I like to draw my sources from other parts and I think this game, being 3D and difficult to navigate, is absolutely not indicated for someone who wants to learn something about viking history; plus, soundtrack and voice acting are (in my opinion) so bad that really it isn't worth it.So, if you wanna document yourself about Scandinavian history, get a book.. or maybe some other games for mobile phones or I don't know what, but not this game. I highly doubt that someone will really learn many useful things by playing this.And as I said many times, the controls are awful - everything accentuated by the complete absence of a menu and, so, the forced used of the mouse. So, your main character goes where you click and the camera stands still or makes everything unpredictable. It's really annoying to navigate this game.Point and click adventures aren't really supposed to be like this one. I truly appreciate as an historian the great intention to make a game which was half play and half teaching, but the developers in my opinion didn't get the point.There are hundreds of point and click games that really overcome things like this one without problems, and most of all, they're often free. Although I have to admit that even if this came out at 1\u20ac instead of 3\u20ac I'd have reviewed it negatively.Plus, it's also short and the fights that you see in the preview and such are only staged, there's no challenge at all or barely.Not that good, at all. At 3\u20ac it's really too much in any case.. But who was Lothar?. Educational game, lacks polish.This game has something going for it, but also lacks polish.First and foremost I recommend this as an educational game, it is almost like playing through a short documentary. It has a lot of clickable stuff where you can read about different stuff in the viking world. I knew most of the facts, but for someone not from Scandinavia there might be some new things to learn. From a game perspective there is a lot of hunting for little coins, hammers (that let you choose specific viking deities when ever you collect 3 of them), talking to people, doing small quiz-like dialogues, spot errors in the form of items not belonging to the time etc. Where it lacks is instructions on how to play. For example it took me some time before I found out how to spin the camera (hold right mouse button down), the voice acting is in Danish, but text is in English, which might be a problem for kids, also voice acting clearly isn't super professional.In the end I will recommend this game to promote educational games, I think games like these are really cool and I don't mind it being short, the price point might be a tad too high though. If you expect a Telltale quality adventure game this is not it.


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